Make A Difference At IMAAN But Most Importantly For Your Scales!

Here at IMAAN we focus on providing you the ability to spend on yourself and your children first and foremost!

For those that can not, we provide the option to sponsor other people and their children so that we may spread the deen of Islam. Imagine when you stand in front of Allah subhana wa ta'ala on the day of judgement, and Allah reveals a mountain of good deeds that you had no idea you had earned. Your Lord will explain to you that the amount of money you sponsored provided 2 kids to become Hafiz of Qur'an and all of that lead to you earning good deeds you never knew about!

Shop on Amazon

Shop on Amazon using this link. If you use this link to buy anything on Amazon, a percentage will be sent to us. Encourage your family and friends to use this link for anything they buy!

Send Through Zelle

Contribute through zelle via

Use form below & get a tax receipt

Set up a recurring payment so you can keep making contributions every month, and get a tax summary at the end of the year!